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2nd trimester

The 2nd trimester has just started. Morning nausea and sickness symptoms are fading out. For most women this is a period that really starts to understand and realize their baby.
Pregnancy is now well established and visible. The belly starts growing, the uterus takes place above the pelvis and the waistline is almost lost.

In this period weight gain is around 6kgs. Though just 1kgs correspond to the actual baby weight. The rest are the preservation system, the womb with the amniotic liquid and the quantity of blood that is significantly increased to support the formation of the new life.

Your baby’s development

In this trimester your baby’s fingers and toes are well-defined and you will be well amused when you hear the doctor counting everyone of them during the periodic scans. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and hair are formed, while teeth and bones are becoming denser. The nervous system is functional and as the reproductive organs are fully developed, the gender can be visually distinct during the ultrasound.

Feeling the baby move is more likely during this period as the baby develops muscles that exercise and stretch. The baby is very likely to respond to external sounds and a cinema night out may be an all new experience. Hiccups are not uncommon too. By the end of the 6th month, your baby weigh around a kilo (1005 gr) and has 37,6 cm length.

You and your body

Your body will reach a new hormone equilibrium.

Colostrum is possible to be leaked by the breast. This substance will nourish your baby during the first days after birth. A hormone called prolactin is the major factor for its production. As the womb grows, stops pushing the uterus and your frequent toilet visits are soon history.

Another highly produced hormone during this labor period is progesterone. This hormone is extremely valuable for baby’s development, as delays the digestion process, providing plenty of time to absorb valuable nutrition ingredients. On the other side, constipation hemorrhoids and heartburn are very common among pregnant women at this period.

Your heart is working overtime as it pushes around 6 liters of blood to placenta and blood pressure is decreased to find a new balance during the 3rd trimester.

Did you know that?
  • High or Low level pulse sounds can scare or relax your baby. There is even discography you can find for those first special mother-baby moments.
  • During this period jerking motions are often. May be scary at the beginning there are just hiccups. A nice opportunity for the baby to establish his family presence.
  • A white coating (Varnix caseosa) covers your baby’s skin to protect it from the amniotic fluid.
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