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Exclusive distribution in CYPRUS
Rontis Corporation enters into exclusive distribution agreement with PETSIAVAS SA for Rontis Infant Nutrition product line in Cyprus
Rontis Corporation is proud to announce its partnership with PETSIAVAS SA as its exclusive distributor for Infant Nutrition products for the Cypriot market. As a results of this business partnership, Rontamil was launched in Cyprus, in May 2016.
Infant Nutrition is a separate Division of Rontis Corporation, a Switzerland based multinational specialty Healthcare company, that first launched Rontamil in October 2012 and has already partnerships with distributors of the Rontamil family in Russia, Greece, Albania, Kosovo and now Cyprus.
“The vision of Rontis Corporation is to become a diversified, leading supplier in the healthcare industry worldwide, by designing & delivering the most innovative specialty products in all fields that it is active in”.
With the strong willingness to become the optimum supplier of innovative quality products and services all over the world, Rontis is delighted to start a solid partnership with PETSIAVAS SA, one of the most prominent and dynamic companies active in Cyprus. The Rontamil product range entered the highly competitive Cypriot market last May and has already started gaining the trust of the local pediatricians and mothers.
The Rontamil familyin Cyprus involves the standard formula Rontamil 1, 2 & 3 and the specialized formulas Rontamil AC, Tr and AR for gastrointestinal disorders treatment in infancy (colics, constipation and regurgitation).
Regarding the entry of Rontamil in Cyprus, PETSIAVAS SA organized two very successful launch events in Nicosia and Limassol, on June 8 & 9 respectively, managing to gather the most prominent doctors of the country who had the great opportunity to receive updated information about “Probiotics and Prebiotics in Infant Nutrition” by Dr. Ioannis Xinias, Assistant Professor of the Pediatric Gastroenterology Department of Hippokration Hospital in Thessalonica.
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