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Dreavia offers 160,000 meals of Rontamil infant nutrition to earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria
Two catastrophic earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria, in the early hours of Monday 6 February 2023, killing thousands of people and injuring many more. Millions of people, including infants and children were and are in need of humanitarian aid in southern Turkey and northern Syria after the world’s deadliest seismic event in more than a decade.
Dreavia Healthcare, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility endeavors, donated in collaboration with the Hellenic Red Cross, a large quantity of infant milk, to support the families affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Specifically, Dreavia Healthcare offered 8,064 tins of infant formula Rontamil Complete 2, for infants 6-12 months, to the earthquake-affected families. The Turkish Red Crescent and the Syrian Arabic Red Crescent distributed the milk to children and families impacted by the February 2023 earthquake in Turkey and Syria respectively.
This initiative is part of Dreavia’s commitment to responsible business practices and corporate social responsibility. Dreavia is dedicated to creating a positive impact not just in the communities where it operates, but also globally, and the donations of products is just one way that the company is living up to this commitment.