Nutrition designed to meet the specific nutritional needs…
of preterm and low birth weight infants
Scientifically certified. Naturally loved.
Rontamil Premature Complete is dedicated only for preterm and low birth weight infants and no other target population. When the baby's weight reaches 2.7 kg, the transition to exclusive breastfeeding or to an infant formula can be made following the doctor's instructions.
…for brain, vision and nervous system development
...that can be found in breast milk: immune system reinforcement & natural intestinal flora development
Energy-Dense Formula
… to cover high nutritional needs
… to optimize digestive tolerance.
LOW PRSL avoid renal function burden
... according to the most recent guidelines for premature and LBW infants
Preterm birth is birth before the normal term of pregnancy.
A pregnancy normally lasts 40 to 41 weeks. Any child born before 37 weeks of amenorrhoea is considered preterm. Low birth weight is defined as a birth weight of less than 2,500 g. An energy-dense formula, made up of medium-chain triglycerides, nucleotides, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (ARA and DHA), provides the nutrients that preterm and low birth weight infants need to catch-up growth.
The estimated global preterm prevalence in 2020 was 9.9%, translating to 13.4 million preterm livebirths (Ohuma et al., 2023). Therefore around 1 in 10 of all live births is a preterm birth. Preterm birth is not just an issue in low and middle-income countries. Indeed, rates higher than 10% have been observed in some high-income countries with an estimated preterm birth prevalence of 11.6%.
Usage Method
Wash your hands properly. Clean and sterilize all used materials.
Boil fresh pure water for 5 minutes and then let cool down to 40°C. Pour the correct amount of water into the feeding bottle.
Pour the correct number of powder scoops using the measuring spoon inside the tin.
Close the feeding bottle using the plastic cap and shake well until completely dissolved.
Test the temperature of the milk onto the side of your wrist. Feed the baby as soon as the milk is prepared.
Relevant Articles
Low birth weight worldwide
Low birth weight is defined as a birth weight of less than 2,500 g. Low birth weight can be due either to preterm birth or to intrauterine growth restriction.
Impact of the prematurity on the nutritional status
Unlike full-term infants, preterm or low birth weight infants have fewer nutrient reserves than term infants.